Friday, April 4, 2008

Board Members Elected and other meeting stuff

So we elected the board for next year today, sort of. There is still room for a couple more board positions if anyone is interested. A historian would be nice (to take some pics at the rides, etc.) and maybe a ride coordinator too. Let me know if you are interested. Positions elected are as follows:

President: Spencer Brown
Vice President: Dustin Kelley
Secretary: Lindsey Romankiw

Also, we discussed our big end of summer/ beginning of school year social: the Legal Spin Century. We will have 100 mile, 100 KM, and 50 mile options. It will be the Saturday before school starts. Stay tuned for a posted training plan for anyone who thinks they need one-- it might be a good idea.

Check back for info about rides over the summer. Also, if any of you are racing, let us know how you do and we will post it on the blog. Thanks again for a good turnout today. I'm looking forward to this club.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

We're going to have a blast!